IT Crowd

Complete 180 degrees my life has turned from never watching the tube to watching practically every show that comes out. There is warrant for this drastic change, mainly due to 5 shows: Everybody Hates Chris, The Office, My Name Is Earl, Lost season 2, 24 season 5, and the newcomer of them all The IT Crowd (recommended by DC, thanks man).
I got to give props to The IT Crowd, they really deliver the milk-squirting-out-of-nostrils type of laugh. Chris O' Dowd plays a character named Roy, who is one of the IT "drudgeons" that work in the basement. I recently watched a black comedy called Festival, that starred Mr. O'Dowd as a struggling comedian competing to win at the annual Edinburgh Fringe festival. He played the role well by delivering his usual outstanding dramatized comedic performance.
Moss, who is Roy's sidekick in The IT Crowd is played by Richard Ayoade, who also had a small role in the movie Festival, as one of the judges at the Edinburgh Fringe festival. With the use of his social ineptness and Roy's cynical wittiness, they make a great team ("The A Team", for those of you who's watched the first episode) on this new hit sitcom!
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