Out with the old, In with the new
Apparently objects are starting to crap out on me, maybe due to my bad habit of buying quantity over quality. Seems like the American way, we always want stuff in bulk or cheap. Hence, you've got the new age of Walmart, Target, Costco, BJ's Wholesale, Ebay, and many more. Capitalism at its finest, can't complain; however one argues in this article, that it ruins small mapa shops. Personally, I would be a mess without these large business conglomerates and they've helped me to solve recent problems.

Instance #1: I normally bring a lot of stuff with me to the gym so I invested in a lock with keys. There I was, completing my normal routine of swimming then heading on over to run on the treadmill. After a change of clothes and heading over to the treadmill I realize that I did not have my keys on me. So the first step was to retrace the steps, but no luck (boo). Then I scanned the pool, no luck (more boo). CLINK, SNAP, CRACK! That was the sound of my lock being busted open by a lock cutter! Now your probably wondering why not use a spare key and good question I might add at this point.
Reason #1: Gym was about 3 miles away from home, car keys in locker, and drained from swimming to fetch spare.
Reason #2: Too bad my spare key was with the original key, hence a spare key. Apparently I did not realize the use of a spare key and left the 2 inseparable, sitting there close to one another side by side in that inaccessible locker.
This first incident was more user error, specifically 100% my error, but still could have been avoidable by all means if I spent a bit more dough on a combination lock. Therefore I invested in the Master Lock (sigh, nostalgia, remember when they issued these locks in middle school and highschool) from Walmart and haven't had trouble since.

Instance #2: About 3 months ago, I've noticed problems with my power supply. The pc would drop subtle hints like about 100 pop up boxes stating that the video card needs more juice. The first couple of times I didn't mind then it became annoying. So what did I do next? Another great question, rather than going out and purchasing a new power supply unit(psu), I took out as much spare hard drives, optical drives as I could. This way my pc was running on the bare mobo, processor, 1 hdd, video card, and 1 dvd drive. No problems, until yesterday, I ended up wasting 8 dvd discs due to my dvd writer shutting down in the middle of burns and my pc booting up randomly as if it were possessed by the demons. 'The power of Christ compels you!' Ok that was no help, so then I decided to get a new psu. I turned to Ebay and got myself a used Antec 450 Truepower supply for only $45 shipped and this solution seemed to settle the demons in my pc. The old power supply was Power Tek 500, and I know what your thinking, 'What the heck is that?'. It is a $15 psu I bought about 4 years ago. Now this isn't too bad, considering my pc hasn't short circuited or crashed due to low power supply. Therefore, I will always remember you in my heart Power Tek and may your soul rest in PSU heaven. For those of you not familiar with Antec, they are the best psu producers and they would be considered the Versace of psu's.
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