Friends or Foes

Well its been a while and after getting chewed out by a friend to update blog and being threatened to delete my blog from their bookmarks, I've decided to enter a new entry. This threat got me thinking a lot about friendship and the kind of bonds we form with one another. Makes you wonder are you really friends with these so-called people you know, and it's a question I ask myself everyday. For instance, the picture up above is a depiction of my friend, who I will remain nameless, since I would not want to impose her infectious friendship onto others, but she is performing her ritual 10 steps of tae kwon do she learned eons of years ago. This picture was taken right outside of Ikea, now I know what your thinking was this really necessary, but in this case it was because if anyone has ever been to Ikea during a 20th anniversary sale then you would know this type of relaxation from the stressful-deal-craving-line forming-consumers that amass at Ikea is very necessary! I decided to smoke a cig instead.
Question 1: Do I want to be seen with a Rex-Kwon-Do student (for you Napolean Dynamite fans out there)?
Answer #1: Of course, what else am I gonna do watch The Office (US version) a tenth time?! Actually I most likely will anyways, hehe.

Question 2: Should I go snowboarding with friends this season, although I have many complaints?
Answer: Hell yea, otherwise who else is gonna b!$ch and moan about it. Plus, it's so on this year like donkey kong, boys vs girls!
Overall I think it is safe to say, these people in my life could be some of thee greatest friends anyone can have. Life is full of compromises and sometimes you have to be seen with that Rex-Kwon-Do student or have to freeze your arse off in the cold but in the long run it is so worth it!
This is a shotout for Chan, who left us this past Monday to live it up in S. Korea without us. But I'm sure he'll want to come back to us soon! Have fun, and if you come by a korean pop singer make sure to tell them who their number one fan is (hint DC)!

2 eProps...
That anime costume Jamie had on was hot. Even with all the squatting and such.
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