Former Punk Rocker: Amy Rigby

I had the pleasure of listening to former punk rocker Amy Rigby at a small cozy independent music CD shop just off 81st street toward the westside. Immediately she had the crowd of 30+ captivated with her sharp witty humor and the voice that made you feel that everything was going to be alright! "What is the difference between a drummer and a pizza? A pizza feeds a family of four!" as the crowd laughed to tears with her 5 minute comedic act.
Her latest release 'Little Fugitive', which I was fortunate enough to get autographed by her, is a wonderful album that describes the tribulations of her past to present. But what really compelled me to go listen to her, was the song dedicated to the late Joey Ramone (1951-2001), the vocalist for the Ramones, titled 'Dancing with Joey Ramone'. And to no surprise this is my favorite track in the album, because I think it is safe to say that when you picture a true punk crowd pleaser rocker, there is no one greater than Mister Joey Ramone! It's just a shame I was a bit too young to really appreciate or see the group perform live.
Unfortunately, I forgot to ask to take a picture with her, but to the right is a picture included in her recent album, Little Fugitive.
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