Naked Bodies!

Yea that title probably got your attention! Well it's true, the Bodies exhibit down by South Street Seaport in downtown New York does have human bodies on display completely clothless. Not only are they clothless, but skinless. Their complete innards including arteries, nerves, muscles, fat, bones, and organs are on display. These are real people who have donated their body to be on display. It was an interesting exhibit, however felt like I was stuck in another anatomy and physiology class. Interesting fact: a woman's brain is 0.5% larger than their male counterpart. Maybe this is why women always feel they're right on every matter/issue possible in the universe! I enjoyed the arteries exhibit the most, arteries were stained with dye and suspended in a jar on display in a dark room.

Well I'm not a big fan of snow, but I figure if it's going to be cold and winter like, then it might as well snow. To the right are pics of the snow on Saturday evening and man did we get it this time, with a whopping 2 feet of snow. So I got up the following morning to plow my lengthy driveway. I started the snowblow machine and get through about couple strips done behind my car, then all I hear next is gluh gluh shh. The snowblower ran outta gas and too lazy to refill it, I decided to kick and run over the remaining snow that blocked me from venturing out onto the swirvy roads.

I drove up to the city to drop a friend off that needed to be back in Boston to make it in time for an 8AM class on Monday. It wasn't too bad driving into the city, since many people were staying off the roads. Unfortunately, Greyhound felt this way as well and suspended all buses heading up to Boston until 8AM the following morning. Luckily for my friend, she was able to catch a bus in Chinatown. Guess which bus line this was? That's right, the FUNG WAH! Props to Fung Wah for working in tough conditions.
Later that evening, after dropping off my friend, made an executive decision to go play in this snow by hitting the slopes at mountain creek. Suprisingly it was not as powdery as I thought the mountains would be after receiving a hefty amount of snow. However, it was good to get the BIG 2 hours of downhill runs in no less!
Too naked.
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