Resume: To Send or Not to Send
It's about that time to look for a job as sitting around, waking up at noon and hitting walls throughout the day to find stuff to do has become overated. At first you think today is a great day and I will step outside to take a look at the foliage but seconds become minutes and minutes turn to hours as dawn turns to dusk. The colors of the day blend in with the dark starry night, and you ask yourself where has the day gone. Soon you see your pals signing online (so and so has just signed on) after returning from work, and the guilt of not working sinks in further after this fact.
However there is one other soul that has a similar predicament, and to no surprise is online during the 9 to 5'er. A couple of weeks ago we met at borders to get our resumes in order to submit; however, it's been a dead heat, neck and neck race to see who can hold out from submitting their resume dead last. But with a surmounting pressure of credit card debts resembling that of current US war debts, constant nagging from various parties, and the threat of boredom, we are slowly being pushed into the work force.
Here is a scoreboard of current results: J (other jobless friend) scoring in with a whopping 1 resume sent to M (me) zilch! To be continued...

Update: Yes, I got that first resume out woo hoo! Unfortunately my friend here sent out one resume to a company and that company was forward her resume to 5 other companies. Rather than disqualify my friend from the race, being the good friend that I am, I decided to deduct the difference of what she had previously (being 1 resume sent) from the 5 that were sent out, leaving her with -4 resumes.
Happy new year!
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