It was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon heading towards Flushing, NY to watch our dear friend compete in a nail gel competition. This did not have the atmosphere of a fierce competitive environment but as soon as the event got underway, this would become one of the bloodiest nail shattering events in history of its kind! At first, me and another friend wanted to stay in the room where the competition was taking place to cheer for our friend, but got kicked out, boo! Then we were trying to get into a cooler air conditioned room, adjacent to the competition room; however ended up getting ejected

out of there as well, more boo! We became nomads finding peace in wacky workout machines, such as the one on the right where it performs the
Harlem shakes to rid you of your fat and the one below is used by sitting on it and perform circular motions with your arse (didn't really get the workout behind this machine, one hypothesis was that it was psychological in that it reversed/rewind the fat back to the youthful physique).

But back to the main event that was undertaking in the other room, and on the right are our friends involved in the competition, weighing in at a combined weight of 1 metric ton...Let's get it ON! (the one on the left in the picture was the hand model and the one with the pump fist is performing the nail makeover) This battle was intense before it even began as one competitor, who I will remain nameless, had started to prep his hand model early, before the competition even began. However this dynamic duo to the right was able to counter that with a duet of bohemian rhapsody, causing sedation and a hypnotic effect to the other competitors in the room. Unfortunately in the end it was not enough for the dynamic duo to win the competition, but will remain a winner in our hearts forever and was awarded the lifetime achievement award with a fake gold plated nail clipper suspended on a beautiful black lace!
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